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6 Tips for Faster Recovery After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

December 19, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Rachit Goyal @ 4:56 pm
A woman wearing an eye mask recovering in bed from wisdom tooth extraction

If you’ve been scheduled to have your wisdom teeth removed, you’re likely eager to get the healing process underway so you can get back to eating and smiling comfortably again. But sometimes, recovering from wisdom tooth extraction can be a longer process than you’d like.

Thankfully, your dentist has plenty of help and support for making this time go a lot faster and more comfortable. Here are a few tips to make healing from a wisdom tooth removal procedure much easier!

Tips For Faster Wisdom Tooth Extraction Recovery

  1. Be sure to get plenty of rest in the first few days following your extraction. Failure to do so can slow your recovery and could leave you vulnerable to complications in healing.
  2. Never use a straw during your recovery, as this can dislodge the blood clots forming in your incision sites. To be safe, wait at least a week, or for your dentist to give you the green light before using one again.
  1. Keep your head elevated while awake and during sleep during the first three days to help avoid swelling and excessive bleeding.
  2. Apply ice packs or cold compresses to the side of your face for 15-minute intervals to help reduce pain and swelling throughout the day.
  3. Keep hydrated, but avoid caffeine for the first few days, and don’t drink anything too hot or too cold for the first 24 hours.
  4. Don’t eat anything hard, crunchy, or spicy for at least a week post-op. These can easily irritate your surgical sites, slow your healing, and be very painful!

Remember, the road to recovery from wisdom tooth extraction doesn’t have to take long or be complicated if you follow the care instructions from your dentist as closely as possible. If you notice that your symptoms are not getting better, that your blood clot has dislodged, or if you are running a fever, please contact your dentist immediately for further assistance.

About Dr. Vernon

Dr. Luke Vernon is no stranger to oral health issues. As a child, he endured many years of treatment that made him appreciate the power of dentistry and empathize with anyone struggling with their oral health. Today, those trials have helped shape Dr. Vernon into the dentist he is today, and nothing makes him happier than alleviating his patients’ pain and assisting them in having their most beautiful smiles ever.

If you need your wisdom teeth removed, schedule a consultation with Dr. Vernon at Riviera Family Dentistry by visiting our website or calling us at 720-902-8080.